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对2018年8月秦皇岛风暴潮期间3个入海口岸基站及邻近海域浮标的监测数据进行分析,结果显示:风暴潮导致入海口水体中COD、总磷、总氮和氨氮含量均明显升高;风暴潮2 d之后,3个入海口邻近海域均发生赤潮,此次赤潮的发生与风暴潮导致陆源入海污染物骤然大幅升高有关。此次风暴潮导致秦皇岛人造河口、大蒲河口和七里海3个岸基监测站的COD监测日均值最高分别达到15.83 mg/L、8.70 mg/L和7.92 mg/L,约升高至前期的2倍、1.5倍和2倍;人造河口总氮变化不大,大蒲河口和七里海总氮升高30%左右;大蒲河口总磷变化不大,人造河口总磷为前期的3.5倍,升高幅度最大,七里海总磷为风暴潮之前两日的2倍,但未超过前一周的最高浓度;风暴潮当天及第二天,人造河口、大蒲河口、七里海氨氮日均值陆续达到最高,分别为2.34 mg/L、1.11 mg/L和0.12 mg/L,分别为风暴潮前两日的7倍、3.5倍和10倍。风暴潮过后,入海口临近海域发生赤潮,浮标监测到叶绿素a最高值为76.4μg/L,pH和溶解氧也大幅升高。分析表明,此次风暴潮导致的入海口污染物突然大幅升高为风暴潮之后的赤潮发生提供了充足的营养基础。  相似文献   
为探索来自西北太平洋台风风暴潮与南海局地生成台风风暴潮不同,本研究在假设两种台风气象条件相同情况下,研究随台风而来外围海水所形成增水对南海沿岸的影响。以0814"黑格比"强台风风暴潮为基础,使用ROMS(regional ocean modeling system)模式进行数值模拟并通过设计对比试验方法进行研究,研究发现在台风登陆时引起的增水最大,最大增水出现在台风路径右侧,其中在沿岸区域,外围海水形成增水约占总增水10%,且大约3 h后出现增水回震现象。同时,设计对比试验,研究来自西北太平洋台风风暴潮对台风路径、台风强度、台风移动速度和流入角等气象条件敏感性,并获得与前人一致的结果。  相似文献   
以地磁秒数据为研究对象,通过离散Gabor变换将时域的地磁数据转换至二维时频面,提取Gabor变换谱图的均值和方差作为特征值,使用支持向量机实现地磁正常数据与磁暴干扰数据的自动分类识别。对5个地磁台的200组地磁秒数据进行计算分析,结果表明该方法对测试样本数据的识别率可达94%。  相似文献   
新元古代末期是生命演化的关键转折期,也是以微生物占主导的生态系统向显生宙以后生动物占主导的生态系统的转变期,埃迪卡拉纪大型软躯体生物以固着、底栖、食悬浮为特色,普遍缺乏运动能力。作为这一时期特殊代表的高家山生物群,是目前新元古代唯一一个以黄铁矿化三维保存的管状和锥管状化石为主导,兼有骨骼生物、原生动物、钙化蓝细菌类及遗迹化石的多门类生物组合,是研究埃迪卡拉纪末期生命演化和生态系统演变十分重要的载体。本文通过对高家山生物群古生态学的初步研究,揭示出在前寒武纪—寒武纪之交,生态系统已显示一定的多样性。为适应平底面上(level-bottom)微生物席的发育,高家山生物群的许多生物采取了适应性的生存策略,通过黏附或插入微生物席中,营底栖固着食悬浮(如CloudinaConotubus)或化学共生(可能的Shaanxilithes)或平躺(如GaojiashaniaSinotubulites)食碎屑生活。底内遗迹化石表明存在可能的表栖和半内栖、可自由运动、食碎屑的造迹生物。Conotubus中常见的“回春”或“复苏”现象,GaojiashaniaSinotubulites的身体扭转或生活姿态调整则是对频繁风暴事件的被动适应。  相似文献   
我国海洋动力灾害研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋动力灾害(包括灾害性海浪、风暴潮、海冰、海啸等)是对我国沿海地区造成破坏和损失最大的自然灾害之一。开展海洋动力灾害研究具有重要意义和迫切的国家需求。本文回顾我国建国以来在海洋动力灾害研究方向的主要进展,重点针对近年来我国在海洋动力灾害数值模拟预报以及灾害风险评估等方面的进展进行综述,并在此基础上提出未来的发展展望,希望给海洋防灾减灾科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   
本文基于海洋站潮位观测数据、海平面变化影响调查信息以及长江口水文站径流量数据等,重点分析了2009?2018年长江口咸潮入侵的变化特征及其影响因素,分析结果表明:(1)长江口咸潮入侵季节变化特征明显。咸潮一般从每年的9?10月开始入侵,翌年4?5月结束。3月咸潮入侵次数最多,达12次。2009?2018年,长江口咸潮入侵次数和咸潮持续时间均呈下降趋势,2009年长江口咸潮入侵次数最多,达13次,时间均发生在10月至翌年的4月;咸潮持续时间年际变化较大,2011年咸潮入侵持续时间最长,累计为55 d。2015?2018年,咸潮入侵次数和入侵持续时间均明显减少,2018年没有监测到咸潮入侵过程。(2) 1?4月,长江口处于季节性低海平面期,且同期径流量少,但是受东亚季风影响,持续的增水过程使得增减水?径流量综合影响指数明显偏高,其中1月、2月、3月的影响指数分别为1.5、1.9和1.6,该时段长江口的咸潮入侵过程主要受增减水的影响。5?7月,长江口径流量明显增加,海平面?径流量综合影响指数均小于0,径流的作用强于海水上溯。8月,长江口径流量开始下降,虽然季节海平面较高,但是长江口呈现明显的减水过程,海平面?径流量和增减水?径流量的综合影响指数分别为0.1和?1.6,基本不会发生咸潮入侵。9月,长江口处于季节高海平面期,并且以增水为主,海平面?径流量和增减水?径流量的综合影响指数较大,分别为1.2和1.0,易发生咸潮入侵。10月、11月长江口海平面?径流量的综合影响指数分别为1.5和0.8,径流影响弱于海水上溯,易发生咸潮入侵。(3) 2009?2018年发生的48次咸潮入侵过程有2/3恰逢天文大潮。在某些年份长江口沿海基础海平面偏高,若持续增水恰逢天文大潮,则加剧咸潮入侵的影响程度。  相似文献   
以秦皇岛、京唐港、曹妃甸、黄骅4个验潮站的实测潮位和逐时风的数据为基础,以2013年河北省政府发布的风暴潮四色警戒潮位值为标准,统计了2008-2017年10 a河北省沿海的风暴潮过程,从警报级别、区域分布、时间分布、天气系统、经济损失5个方面分析河北省沿海风暴潮特征,并从地形、天文潮与天气系统配合、海平面上升、全球变暖引发的气候异常4个方面分析了影响河北省沿海风暴潮的成因,分析得出:受天气系统的影响,7-10月是河北省风暴潮高发时段,且由于河北省岸线分布特点,沧州市沿海受到风暴潮影响的次数最多,唐山和秦皇岛次之,沧州和唐山地区的风暴潮过程多由东北向大风引起,而秦皇岛地区的风暴潮过程多由东南向风引起。  相似文献   
In the present paper, an ensemble approach is proposed to estimate possible modifications caused by climate changes in the extreme precipitation regime, with the rain gauge Napoli Servizio Idrografico (Naples, Italy) chosen as test case. The proposed research, focused on the analysis of extremes on the basis of climate model simulations and rainfall observations, is structured in several consecutive steps. In the first step, all the dynamically downscaled EURO‐CORDEX simulations at about 12 km horizontal resolution are collected for the current period 1971–2000 and the future period 2071–2100, for the RCP4.5 and the RCP8.5 concentration scenarios. In the second step, the significance of climate change effects on extreme precipitation is statistically tested by comparing current and future simulated data and bias‐correction is performed by means of a novel approach based on a combination of simple delta change and quantile delta mapping, in compliance with the storm index method. In the third step, two different ensemble models are proposed, accounting for the variabilities given by the use of different climate models and for their hindcast performances. Finally, the ensemble models are used to build novel intensity–duration–frequency curves, and their effects on the early warning system thresholds for the area of interest are evaluated.  相似文献   
Uncontrolled overland flow drives flooding, erosion, and contaminant transport, with the severity of these outcomes often amplified in urban areas. In pervious media such as urban soils, overland flow is initiated via either infiltration‐excess (where precipitation rate exceeds infiltration capacity) or saturation‐excess (when precipitation volume exceeds soil profile storage) mechanisms. These processes call for different management strategies, making it important for municipalities to discern between them. In this study, we derived a generalized one‐dimensional model that distinguishes between infiltration‐excess overland flow (IEOF) and saturation‐excess overland flow (SEOF) using Green–Ampt infiltration concepts. Next, we applied this model to estimate overland flow generation from pervious areas in 11 U.S. cities. We used rainfall forcing that represented low‐ and high‐intensity events and compared responses among measured urban versus predevelopment reference soil hydraulic properties. The derivation showed that the propensity for IEOF versus SEOF is related to the equivalence between two nondimensional ratios: (a) precipitation rate to depth‐weighted hydraulic conductivity and (b) depth of soil profile restrictive layer to soil capillary potential. Across all cities, reference soil profiles were associated with greater IEOF for the high‐intensity set of storms, and urbanized soil profiles tended towards production of SEOF during the lower intensity set of storms. Urban soils produced more cumulative overland flow as a fraction of cumulative precipitation than did reference soils, particularly under conditions associated with SEOF. These results will assist cities in identifying the type and extent of interventions needed to manage storm water produced from pervious areas.  相似文献   
Qihua Ran  Feng Wang  Jihui Gao 《水文研究》2020,34(23):4526-4540
Rainfall characteristics are key factors influencing infiltration and runoff generation in catchment hydrology, particularly for arid and semiarid catchments. Although the effect of storm movement on rainfall-runoff processes has been evaluated and emphasized since the 1960s, the effect on the infiltration process has barely been considered. In this study, a physically based distributed hydrological model (InHM) was applied to a typical semi-arid catchment (Shejiagou, 4.26 km2) located in the Loess Plateau, China, to investigate the effect of storm movement on infiltration, runoff and soil erosion at the catchment scale. Simulations of 84 scenarios of storm movement were conducted, including storms moving across the catchment in both the upstream and downstream directions along the main channel, while in each direction considering four storm moving speeds, three rainfall depths and two storm ranges. The simulation results showed that, on both the hillslopes facing downstream (facing south) and in the main channel, the duration of the overland flow process under the upstream-moving storms was longer than that under the downstream-moving storms. Thus, the duration and volume of infiltration under upstream-moving storms were larger in these areas. For the Shejiagou catchment, as there are more hillslopes facing downstream, more infiltration occurred under the upstream-moving storms than the downstream-moving storms. Therefore, downstream-moving storms generated up to 69% larger total runoff and up to 351% more soil loss in the catchment than upstream-moving storms. The difference in infiltration between the storms moving upstream and downstream decreased as the storm moving speed increased. The relative difference in total runoff and sediment yield between the storms moving upstream and downstream decreased with increasing rainfall depth and storm speed. The results of this study revealed that the infiltration differences under moving storms largely influenced the total runoff and sediment yield at the catchment scale, which is of importance in runoff prediction and flood management. The infiltration differences may be a potential factor leading to different groundwater, vegetation cover and ecology conditions for the different sides of the hillslopes.  相似文献   
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